When it comes to CrossFit equipment, and making the best selections for your; CrossFit BOX or HOME GYM, the RIG is a crucial component. Whilst each BOX has varying requirements, the RIG is required in a class situation for many of the fundamental CrossFit movements.

Movements Performed On A CrossFit Rig.

  • Pull Ups

  • Chin Ups

  • Muscle Ups

  • Toes To Bar (T2B)

  • Ring Exercises

  • Rope Climbs

  • Front & Back Squats

  • Bench Press

CrossFit Custom Rig Loaded.jpeg

Flexibility And Functionality

Flexibility and functionality will be largely dependant on the space available and the maximum class size. Features such as safety bars and dipping stations can be incorporated with ease, as can variable height pull up bars.  

Getting The Design Right

So you know how big your classes are, and are clear about programming and the way you want your RIG to complement the essence of your BOX. Before you design your ideal RIG, here are some questions that might be useful to consider. 


  1. Would it help to visualise the RIG in-situ prior to manufacture?

  2. Are you likely to grow Membership in the future?

  3. Can you relocate the RIG if you needed to move?

  4. Can you add to, or adapt the RIG once installed?

Learn More...

See how we worked with CrossFit Avon in Bristol to design a CrossFit rig that would maximise the potential of their BOX.  DOWNLOAD the CASE STUDY HERE.

For ideas about what you should consider when designing of your own rig, please download this INFOGRAPHIC