Solar Panels Installed on Moduflex’s Steel Factory
The manufacturing sector is one of the highest contributors in the EU to greenhouse gas emissions. This ultimately comes down to the amount of energy and resources needed to produce products. Therefore, as climate change continues to pose a threat, it’s more important than ever that businesses in the manufacturing industry make every effort to minimise their impact on the environment.
At Moduflex, we continue to proactively seek ways to improve our sustainability and reduce our carbon footprint as a business. Read on to find out more.
Moduflex also takes the necessary measures to commit to regulatory compliance set by ISO (14001) to uphold an environmental management system.
Made in the UK
All of our storage systems and products are designed, manufactured, and assembled in-house between our two Bristol-based sites. This means there’s no significant transport of materials in our production process.
Up to 100% renewable electricity
At the beginning of 2023, we installed solar panels on the roof of our steel manufacturing facility (pictured above), enabling us to power the factory day-to-day with up to 100% renewable solar energy. This project has reduced our dependency on fossil fuels in our production process and our overall carbon footprint.
Locally Sourced Materials
We ensure that our suppliers are environmentally conscious. Our raw steel is sourced from a UK-based company, minimising the transport distance required to deliver goods to us. Our raw steel is made from 80% recycled content and our MFC is 50% recycled.
We are now offering the option for you to upgrade any projects to certified green steel or green MFC. Get in touch with us to find out more about this.
Sustainable Machinery
We’ve invested heavily in new machinery in recent years not only to improve our manufacturing process and the quality of our products but also to cut down our waste materials from precision technology. Waste material from our steel and wood factories is then recycled.
Read more about our factory and the machinery we’ve invested in here.
Using the Latest Technology
At the beginning of 2024, we introduced a new paperless CRM (Customer Relationship Management) System to our Avonmouth office which has come with a number of benefits. It was brought in to improve our customer service, lead times, and data visibility, but as well as this it has meant that we no longer need to print hard copies of job details as it is all stored in our new cloud-based system, saving us from using a huge amount of paper.
Continuing to Review and Make Changes
We recently completed a carbon reduction assessment to identify further ways we can reduce our annual CO2 emissions. This highlighted several changes including switching our factory lighting to LED bulbs and replacing our gas fired drying ovens with electric infrared ovens. Once we’ve made these changes over the next 12 months, it’s estimated we’ll reduce our CO2 emissions by around 40%.
We’re proud of the steps we’ve taken as a business so far to minimise our impact on the environment. Our customers can take comfort in the knowledge that we continue to proactively research and invest in green initiatives to improve our sustainability as a manufacturer and supplier, and we have more ideas in the pipeline. Keep an eye out for updates!